Negotiating Business Contracts

Top 5 Tips For Negotiating Business Contracts

From the earliest days of mankind when cavemen would trade furs for food, until the modern-day, when multi-billion dollar deals are agreed in opulent board rooms, the art of negotiation has been employed. Whether it is the business owner negotiating the deal or their commercial lawyer, the desire to achieve a favourable outcome is uppermost in their minds.

Where these negotiations become especially detailed is when they get to the sharp end of proceedings and the contract itself is being negotiated. Bear in mind, the contract will be the legally binding agreement which both parties must adhere to so ensuring there is nothing in it that will cause problems for your business, is crucial.

Now, many a book and training course has been published on the art of negotiation so we are not going to pretend we can come anywhere close to teaching you negotiation skills from A to Z. However, here are our top 5 tips to make the negotiation of a contract more likely to favour you than not.

#1 Don’t Rush It

A contract negotiation is not a race to see how quickly it can be done, so slow it down and go at a pace you are comfortable with. Take time to understand everything that is being proposed and remember that a rushed decision is normally a poor decision.

Targeting Your Audience With Email Marketing

At Cybera Digital, we are continuously striving to find new ways to help market our clients’ businesses. One of the most popular ways to market online is still via email.

A recent survey stated that over 80% of professionals opt for email marketing rather than social media to boost their brand. This research means that email is still currently leading the way for digital marketing despite the growing popularity of social media channels such as Facebook and Instagram.

With that in mind, we’ve put together a few tips for you to help target your audience with email marketing.

Look The Part
Be sure to send any emails from a professional email or business email address. Never send from a personal account. Its never a good look to receive a business themed email from “”!

If you don’t have a business email address, make sure you set one up and remember to include a company logo within your email send-outs.

Be Welcoming
A welcome email is always a great start when interacting with a customer for the first time. Thank them for being part of your business and even offer an incentive such as a discount of their first order to make signing up to receive emails from you worthwhile. Encourage them to share this experience with their friends too, the more people on that database, the better!

Would You Build Your Own Car

Would You Build Your Own Car?

It’s a strange thought, isn’t it? Personally, I wouldn’t know where to start! There are so many little details and considerations that go into all the moving parts that make up an automobile.

That being said, even if someone gave me a DIY car kit and told me that all I had to do was add the steering wheel, seats, “Hello Kitty” seatbelts, awesome new headlights, and all the little flourishes that made me “me”, would it even be roadworthy?

Sounds pretty risky, and the RAC would probably laugh at me.

Wait, what’s this got to do with the web?
Right, yes, sorry.

The risk involved with building your own car is similar (I suppose) to building a website.

You could build your own website using any number of web builders these days, but is that what you do for a living? Do you know all the little pitfalls related to security, usability, accessibility, browser (in)compatibility, CSS, HTML, PHP, <include excruciatingly long list of buzzwords and terms here>…

No? I’m not a betting man, but I would wager that what you’re best at is running your business, and helping your customers. If you start devoting valuable time to building a website, have you compromised time you could’ve spent on other parts of your business?

5 Professional Resolutions to Try This Year

5 Professional Resolutions to Try This Year

We had a good break over the holidays here at Cybera Digital, and now we’re getting back into the swing of things!

We have some exciting new projects to launch, and a few other bits and pieces on the go, but it’s hard to achieve any of it and find that New Year enthusiasm without our strategy sessions and some good old-fashioned goal-setting!

Since our process has worked for us so far, we thought we’d share some concepts with you so that you could benefit from them too!

1. Strategy, strategy, strategy!
When we want to re-evaluate where we’re heading as a business, we always run a strategy session for ourselves. We generally do about 2 per year, and they always help re-focus and re-imagine how we see Cybera Digital helping our customers moving forward, and ways in which we can improve.

2. Setting realistic goals
As part of our strategy session we figure out what our goals are, and prioritise them by first determining how desirable the goal is, and then how achievable it is. This helps us to set realistic goals that we can achieve in the short-term, while still keeping an eye on our medium and long term goals.

Achieving your goals can sometimes be overwhelming, so if you ever feel as though you’ve come across a goal that needs to be resolved but just feels too big, it’s important to consider breaking it up into smaller (more manageable) tasks.

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